Our Services

The various services provided by us


Start and manage your IT captives at the speed of cloud

Traditionally, businesses looking to outsource IT work have had two primary options to choose from -
1. Either they work with a third-party service provider and have a typical client-vendor relationship to complete a project
2. Set up their own subsidiary in a foreign, low-cost location such as India, called a captive center or global in-house center (GIC).

Virtual captives are a hybrid outsourcing model where a local, third-party vendor will set up a captive center on behalf of a company, providing them all the necessary technical infrastructure, talent, office resources etc and still give the client full control over how everything works and is managed.

We at VQ will help you set up your business in the different captive centres.


Providing Professional services at the speed of cloud

Professional services is often referred as “paid for what you do". Many of the small product development companies can't afford to setup their Professional services which can result into the downfall of their growth demand services.
VQ helps such companies to setup their on demand Professional services.


The ideal outsourcing model for businesses that are focused on delivering the desired output no matter what is takes to get the job done.
VQ takes pride in its staff’s ability to accomplish long-term projects. However, the greater accomplishment of our professionals lies in their capacity to finish a project within a specific time frame.For our project-based outsourcing, we take into consideration the client’s requirements before we set out to work: we take those requirements and use them as a basis for creating the working plan. Then, we implement the plan and produce the output within the provided time frame. By outsourcing, companies could free up resources (i.e., cash, personnel, facilities) that can be redirected to existing tasks or new projects that deliver higher yields for the company than the functions that had been outsourced.


The key is to maintain optimal bench rate, it enables to procure new business,gets in flexibility to pitch in resources to critical projects with in the TAT, Employee & organization get balanced time to develop skills & enhance capability between projects.

India's bench exchange management is an initaitive by VQ which would create a large resource pool across the industry so that the companies not need to waste their resources by firing them.
The compnaies can register their resources with us and we will look forward to associate that resource with some other companies who are need of the resources. This will not only help the companies but also the resources as they won't have a layoff in their career.


A collection of individuals (typically between five and nine members) working together to deliver the required product increments. The Scrum framework encourages a high level of communication among team members, so that the team can:
1. Follow a common goal
2. Adhere the same norms and rules
3. Show respect to each other

The Scrum Team share different tasks and responsibilities related to the delivery of the product. Each role are closely inter-related. It is recommended for Scrum team members work together in the same location whenever possible.


A platform that involves in developing a product from concept or idea, through market release and beyond. In other words, product development incorporates a product’s entire journey.

Agile Methodology

Agile product development is another term you might hear often. This simply refers to the familiar product development concept we described in the introduction—all steps involved in delivering a product to the market—but including the principles of agile software development, such as rapid iteration based on user feedback.The benefit of the agile framework is that it allows an organization to shorten the cycle from brainstorming through actually launching a product—because the product team intentionally pushes out versions of the product (starting with its early-stage MVP) much more quickly, and with much fewer updates and improvements in each release. This allows for the team to enlist the feedback of actual users to incrementally make the product better.